Thursday, November 02, 2006

03-09 November

Autumn shows:
Takt Kunstprojektraum presents
An exhibition of Photographs and
Installation by Einat Alon.

Opening: November 3, 7 PM
Exhibition Duration: 11.3 – 12.3
Open Hours: Wednesday – Sunday 4-8 PM
Takt Kunstprojektraum
Wühlischstr. 56
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

Institut Francais Berlin - Kurfürstendamm 211
Liza Nguyens Gedächtnisbilder
Vernissage: Freitag, 03.11.2006 - 18:30 Uhr

Am 3. November 2006 findet im Institut Francais die Vernissage von Liza
Nguyens "Gedächtnisbilder. Von den Spuren des Abwesenden" statt. Ihre
wie selbstverständlich anmutende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Tod
erscheint umso mutiger, als sie in einer westeuropäischen Gesellschaft
stattfindet, die in ihrer Idealvorstellung einer Welt von Gesundheit,

Stärke und Sauberkeit, dem Tod keinen Platz einräumt.

Institut Français de Berlin
Maison de France
Kurfürstendamm, 211
10719 Berlin

at NBK- Neue Berlinerer Kunstverein

Ira Schneider: Mysteries in Reality
Hannah Höch Prize 2006
4. November - 17. December 2006
Opening and Award Ceremony: Friday, 3. November, 7PM

Ira Schneider was born in 1939 in Manhattan into a family who, in 1947, were the first on their street to own a television. The 8-year-old’s fate is sealed, and several decades and 250,000 hours of television viewing later he stops counting. Obsessed with media technology and imagery, Ira Schneider becomes a “televisor”, filmmaker, visionary video artist and proponent, co-founder and publisher of the journal Radical Software – the most important voice of the US video community in the 1970s – and co-author of the first standard work on the then new media: Video Art. An Anthology.

For these achievements the video pioneer Ira Schneider, who has been living in Berlin since the 1990s, will be honoured with the Hannah Höch Prize of the Berlin Ministry of Science, Research and Culture and an exhibition in the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (NBK – New Berlin Art Association). The exhibition will also contain a concentrated insight into Schneider’s photographic work, and thus enable a comprehensive view of his life’s work.

Chausseestr. 128/129,
10115 Berlin,
Tel (030) 280 70 20;
Fax (030) 280 70

In Prague:

Courtesy of CIANT -
International Centre for Art and New Technologies:


TransGenesis is a cluster of cultural events that connect heterogeneous
“genes” of artistic and scientific creativity.

It is our pleasure to invite you to the first BIOART exhibition in the
Czech Republic.

Opening reception at the building of the Academy of Sciences
(Narodni 3) will be on Tuesday the 7th November at 5.30 p.m.
Programme and accompanying events:
Exhibition runs in parallel to the new TransGenesis festival
( in the framework of the Week of Science
and Technology (


As I was Out of Berlin last week I missed a few openings,
But DO visit these two exhibitions at Künstlerhaus Bethanien:

participants of the grant programme Goldrausch-Künstlerinnenprojekt art IT

Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalogpaket mit 15 Einzelkatalogen der
Künstlerinnen./ For this show, a series of 15 catalogues is published;
one of each participating artist.

Eröffnung/Opening: Fr, 27. Oktober 2006, ab 19 Uhr/ from 7 pm

Öffnungszeiten/exhibition opened from: 28. Okt.- 3. Dez. 2006, Mo -
So, 12 - 19 Uhr/ monday till sunday 12 noon - 7 pm
Ort/Location: Kunstraum, Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997


28.10.- 3.12.2006
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK),
Oranienstr. 25,
10999 Berlin
daily 12.00-18.30 Uhr

Projektraum 1 Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien,
Mariannenpl. 2,
10997 Berlin
daily 12.00 - 19.00 Uhr

Artists include:
Petra Bauer, Katinka Bock, Shahram Entekhabi, Harun Farocki, Ingo
Gerken,Lise Harlev, Susan Hiller, Thomas Locher, Marisa Maza, Florian
Wüst, Jun Yang

The exhibition THIS LAND IS MY LAND takes a critical look at
contemporary global phenomena like the retrogressive search for national values
and symbols as well as the longing for a collective creation of meaning.
THIS LAND IS MY LAND thus presents artistic projects that take Germany as an
example to ascertain that national identity is not a fixed entity but a
complex, heterogeneous, contradictory, and modifiable construction.
The idea of “nation” is produced and played out by different interest
groups. This implies diverse inclusion and exclusion mechanisms: so-
called strangers have to adapt to the culture’s national order. In reality,
however, Germany is a globalized immigration country in which the
notion of an established national order seems outdated. Nations today are hybrid
creations composed of various ever-changing cultural, social, and
ethnic groups. National cultural identity is subject to an unfinished process.
Nevertheless, Germany’s “majority society” requires migrants to
assimilate to an indefinable German culture (catchphrase: integration courses)
or its idea of multi-culti degrades the ethnically diverse to folklore (e.g.,
Carnival of Cultures, Tropical Islands, and similar undertakings).

THIS LAND IS MY LAND intends to identify the workings of the
mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion as well as the power structures of
definition, break down well-worn patterns of thought regarding national self-
sufficiency, and sensitize people for subtly diversified points of view. Artists have
been invited whose work utilizes the field of conflict known as cultural
identity as a productive gap, observes the overlapping of national fictions with
everyday life, and identifies the instability of traditional, national, and
cultural classifications. The artists examine the rituals, emblems, and
codes of national self-representation (Fogarasi, Heuck, Locher,
Yang), go looking for traces of identity in Germany (Haberkorn/Johne, Hiller,
Grisey,Wüst), reflect multiple identity by taking up self-images of migrant
youth (Bock, Maza) or imagining role-plays (Blank/rentagerman, Entekhabi,
Elsner, Gerken, Harlev), and analyze the role of the media in constructing
images of others and oneself (Bauer, Farocki, Raether).
Accompanying the exhibition will be a daily film program in Projektraum 1 at
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien (program: Sabine Winkler) and a weekly
evening program with discussions and lectures at Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende
Kunst (NGBK).

And also:

Kunstverein Buchholz Nordheide e. V.

von Dimitris Tzamouranis

Kunstverein Bucholz

Kirchenstrasse 6
21244 Buchholz
Tel 04181/38 00 868


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